Learning about CBD Oil
CBD oil, i.e. oil from the hemp plant. But it is not simply an essential oil: CBD oil has much more serious origins: It was born to treat diseases, and the first official CBD oil was used to treat a serious epileptic condition.
This CBD oil strain, more about it here, was, at the time, very innovative. Instead of using a hybrid of Indica and Sativa, its creators – hemp growers in Uruguay – used an Indica strain very high in CBD and with no THC at all. This was at first because the patient for whom this specific strain was intended was a girl of no more than 8 years old at the time. She suffered from more than 20 epileptic seizures a day and today, thanks to CBD oil, she is seizure free.
But epilepsy is not the only condition for which CBD can be therapeutic, although we owe its leap to popularity to this instance. CBD also has a lot of properties that are beneficial for both serious medical conditions and for simply improving your everyday health without having to be treating a disease.
Let’s take a look at what types of benefits CBD has and how to best take advantage of it.
Benefits of CBD
Pain Relief
CBD, unlike most treatments for both chronic and temporary pain, is very safe to use. No tolerance develops to the drug, and it does not cause harmful side effects to your health. In addition, it is virtually impossible for an overdose to occur with CBD and has a very low potential for addiction, one of the most recurring problems with drugs to treat chronic pain.
The way CBD works is, in addition to relaxing muscles, by partially blocking the receptors in our brains that receive pain signals. In other words, your foot may well be hurting, but your brain is not aware of it… Or at least not completely. This effect lasts between 2 and 4 hours, and is generalized.
Helps you sleep longer and better
Thanks to the relaxation that CBD oil brings to our muscles, it is the perfect remedy for all those who suffer when it comes to falling asleep. And, according to recent studies, more than 70% of all of us have trouble falling asleep.
But that’s not all: Almost half of the population has difficulty sleeping the right amount of hours, which is usually between 7 and 9 hours, depending on which doctor you ask. What most doctors do agree on is that sleeping less than six hours a day is bad for your health, and increases your risk for a host of diseases.
The use of CBD oil, both before bedtime and throughout the night if you suffer from sleep disruptions, is very effective in remedying these problems.
Knowing these benefits of CBD, the only thing left for you to learn is how to use CBD oil. This oil is very easy to use, as the bottles come with a built-in dropper: simply apply two to three drops directly on the tongue, and you’re done. You can apply up to three times a day, depending on how you tolerate the drug.
And if you don’t know where to get CBD oil, look no further, go to Justbob.es online store and you will find CBD oil of the best quality as well as other hemp products of very good quality.
For more information about CBD Oil UK, you can visit their page for more info.